Voices Carry For Animals Podcast

**Live Interview Animal Advocacy Radio Podcast!* ** Welcome Aboard "Voices Carry for Animals"- Produced & Hosted By Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear".. LIVE Interview Shows every Thursday at 7:00 pm est.. Listen in Worldwide** **Voices Carry For Animals Website www.voicescarryforanimals.com SUBSCRIBE FREE!** Being a Voice for the voiceless, helpless, defenseless, and innocent. Strong teamwork leads to Strong Victories for our animal friends in need. This is a Advocacy Podcast which deals with all issues about all animals in need & distress. Your Actions are needed to bring *J*U*S*T*I*C*E* for the animals. **With Our VOICES the animals will be HEARD..With Our ACTIONS the animals will be FREE!~ ** Awareness, Education, Safety, Prevention, and Concern of Animal Welfare.

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Be A Voice For The Voiceless, Helpless, Defenseless, and Innocent.


Give the Animals hope to carry on with Better lives and futures. 


Our Voices and Actions really do matter. In Order to see CHANGE, We got to Take Action! 


Contact your State Representatives to support our animal friends in need. 


Thursday Jul 14, 2022

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Gary Bowden - Radio Producer for "All About Animals Radio"  & Editor of Animal Advocate Alliance
TOPIC WILL BE:  Animal Advocate Alliance and "All About Animals Radio"
The Animal Advocate Alliance is a community driven global network of volunteer animal advocates dedicated to speaking up for all animals worldwide.
OUR VISION: To improve animal welfare globally.
OUR GOALS: To unite people for the purpose of supporting each other in a common goal.To be a hub of information and resources that advocates can use to promote awareness of animal welfare issues.To provide a platform for people to share skills and knowledge.
Hear us on All About Animals Radio  http://aaaradio.online
Dedicated to all animals and those who protect and advocate for them.  Passion to create a better world for animals.
Thank you ALL for Tuning In ~https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022

Animal Advocates Radio "Action Takers For Pit Bulls" #6
Hosted & Produced by ~ Dianne Lynn Elko
Guest ~ Jeremy Boss President Of Dowdy Ferry Animal Commission
Topic ~ "The Dogs Of Dowdy Ferry "
We will speak for those that can not speak for themselves. We speak for the dead and the living animals cruely dumped on the road sides of an area in Southeast Dallas know as Dowdy Ferry RD.
In Southeast Dallas on Dowdy Ferry Rd nearly every animal companion is in dire need of rescue. This area is a dumping ground for sick, abused and unwanted dogs - where starved and terribly treated animals are discarded with trash in the woods and along the side of the road.
Please help be the voice for the voiceless
Thank You ALL for Tuning In!~ https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Jun 30, 2022

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Nikita Dhawan - Founder, Youth for Animals 🔸 Youth Ambassador, Born Free Foundation
TOPIC Will be: Youth for Animals main campaign is about freeing Shankar (an African elephant in the Delhi Zoo)
Who is Shankar?
In 1998, a 26 month-old male African elephant was presented as a diplomatic gift by Zimbabwe to India. He was named ‘Shankar’ after India’s 9th President Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma. Shankar, now over 26 years old, has lived his entire life in the Delhi zoo (National Zoological Park, NZP). Since 2001 when his sole companion Vambai passed away, Shankar has lived in solitary confinement. 
Shankar is chained for 17 hours of the day and does not have adequate space to move around when he is let out. Much like humans, elephants are social beings and suffer neurological distress when put in solitary confinement. Shankar constantly demonstrates stereotypical behaviour like swaying and head-bobbing, a key sign of distress (see video) In fact, Shankar’s aggressive behaviour has necessitated the zoo authorities to permanently close the viewing pathway since he could be a danger to visitors. 
Thank You All for Listening In! https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022

Animal Advocates Radio "Action Takers For Pit Bulls" #5
Hosted & Produced ByDianne Lynn Elko
Guest isRae Bitner~ http://Reachoutandmeetsomeonetoday 
Topic: Pit Bull Discussion  & Open Forum On Other Related Issues RBSL stands for breed-specific legislation -- laws and regulations, enacted at the city or county level, that ban or restrict the keeping of dogs by breedae Bitner is a Animal Advocate/Pit Bull Advocate she is heavily involved in  saving all animals does recue transportating TNR
http://Howling 4 Pit Bulls
http://Action takers for pit bulls
http://educating for pit bulls
https://www.facebook.com/groups/fightingbslgroup                                      6/28 @7 PM (est) Call 310-982-4270 & Press #1 to speak with Rae Bitner

Thursday Jun 23, 2022

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Genevieve Frederick - Founder and President of Feeding Pets of the Homeless
~This Live Show is the 8th year Anniversary of "Voices Carry For Animals" - #1 thru #163 Show on TS Radio Network (Marti Oakley) & #164 thru #359 Show on Animal Advocates Radio.  A Big "Thank You" to Marti Oakley, The PPJ Gazette, TS Radio Network, All the Wonderful Former Guests, Callers, Listeners, & Supporters helping to share the Radio Promos from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
Topic will be: Pets of people who are experiencing homelessness and their five programs.
Feeding Pets of the Homeless is the first and one of a few national animal organization focused on feeding and providing emergency care to pets of homeless people.
A pet's love is unconditional and non-judgmental. The bond between pets and people isn’t dependent on having a roof. Feeding Pets of the Homeless provides relief to homeless people and their pets in the form of food, resources, emergency care and support.
Thank You All for Listening In!  https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022

Animal Advocates Radio "Action Takers For Pit Bulls"
Hosted & ProducedDianne Lynn Elko~Pit Bull Advocate 
Guests: Dahlia Canes(Director/Founder for MCABSL)~AttorneyIsabel Gandulla(counsel for MCABSL),"Bella"Gandulla(Jr. Boad member for MCABSL)Yolanda Berkowitz,Wings Of Rescue)
Topic: Miami Coalition Against Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), They are involved internationally, aiding individuals and organizations requesting their support, presence and knowledge. They have Regional County Directors in Florida, along with State Directors thru the USA 

Thursday Jun 16, 2022

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be: Diana Munoz -Founder & Colby Steiner – Co Founder of The Gentle Giants Stay Home Project
TOPIC WILL BE: Bionic Giants, tourism and a new way of life
MISSION: Elephant conservation and to work in collaboration with elephant owners and their local communities in finding a more harmonious and peaceful coexistence with the gentle giants and enabling the mahouts (caretakers) to earn a decent living to support their families.
By helping create opportunities where elephants can stay and thrive in their own habitats, sanctuaries or other ethical, humane projects living in harmony with nature. Benefiting not only the elephants, the mahouts but also their communities.
Our Nonprofit will always be willing to work with anyone who is wanting to better the living conditions of their communities while protecting the well - being and natural habitats of the elephants.
PARTNER: Gentle Giants non-profit partners with, Lek Chailert; world renown elephant conservationist - founder of Save Elephant Foundation.
Thank You All for Listening In!  https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022

Hosted & Produced by Dianne Lynn Elko~Pit Bull Advocate
Guest will be Dean Schaeffer~Pit Bull Owner & Pit Bull Advocate
Topic will be The history of the Pit Bull & how it got it's name "Pit Bull"

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Rachel Heatley- Advocacy Director of Humane Society of Utah
Topic will be: The role interdisciplinary cooperation and broad ranging coalitions consisting of human and non-human animal organizations play in advancing animal welfare.
Humane Society of Utah just helped draft and pass legislation (HB 175) in Utah providing for companion animals in domestic violence protective orders. It took a lot of different organizations being involved to get the messaging right and educating the public, prosecutors, advocates, and judges of these changes in the law extends our coalition work.
Humane Society of Utah Advocacy Department advocates for companion animals on the local, state, and federal level. We push for changes in the law to increase animal welfare, bring necessary support to Utah’s rescues and shelters, and preserve the human-animal bond.
Humane Society of Utah is dedicated to the elimination of pain, fear, and suffering in all animals. Our goal is to keep pets and people together, bring them together, and help move each animal to their most appropriate outcome as quickly as possible.
~ Thank You All for Listening In! https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022

Hosted & Produced  By Dianne Lynn Elko~ Pit Bull Advocate
Guest Will Be-Renee Jones ~  Pit Bull Advocate           
Topic Will Be~ Pit Bull Advocacy 
BSL in Pit Bulls & How You Can Be an Advoate In Your Area
Breed-specific legislation is a type of dangerous dog law. It is defined as any ordinance or policy that pertains to a specific dog breed or several breeds, but does not affect any others. Proponents of breed-specific laws seek to limit public exposure to well-documented dangerous dog breeds by regulating the ownership of them.
BSL needs to disappear. BSL is discrimination, stero-typing, prejudice, unfair, and injustice. When a dog attacks, all animals SHOULD NOT be held accountable
Thank You All For Tuning In!

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