Voices Carry For Animals Podcast
**Live Interview Animal Advocacy Radio Podcast!* ** Welcome Aboard "Voices Carry for Animals"- Produced & Hosted By Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear".. LIVE Interview Shows every Thursday at 7:00 pm est.. Listen in Worldwide** **Voices Carry For Animals Website www.voicescarryforanimals.com SUBSCRIBE FREE!** Being a Voice for the voiceless, helpless, defenseless, and innocent. Strong teamwork leads to Strong Victories for our animal friends in need. This is a Advocacy Podcast which deals with all issues about all animals in need & distress. Your Actions are needed to bring *J*U*S*T*I*C*E* for the animals. **With Our VOICES the animals will be HEARD..With Our ACTIONS the animals will be FREE!~ ** Awareness, Education, Safety, Prevention, and Concern of Animal Welfare.
Be A Voice For The Voiceless, Helpless, Defenseless, and Innocent.
Give the Animals hope to carry on with Better lives and futures.
Our Voices and Actions really do matter. In Order to see CHANGE, We got to Take Action!
Contact your State Representatives to support our animal friends in need.
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Mary-Ann Holm -President & Campaign Coordinator at Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project
TOPICS will be: Upcoming City Hall action for Lucy, recent record breaking cold snap and planned spring sanctuary vet assessment.
Lucy the Elephant has been at the Edmonton Valley Zoo for 45 years and turns 47 this year. This is an ominous milestone as zoo elephants rarely survive to their mid forties. Lucy suffers from a number of zoo induced ailments which will shorten her life expectancy. She has no other elephant companions, which is considered cruel by elephant experts due to their highly complex social needs. The harsh Edmonton climate is detrimental to her health and painful for her ongoing arthritis and foot disease. Lucy lives in a tiny concrete cell and is only allowed outdoors for short controlled walks.
TAKE ACTION HERE >> Cher Co-founder of Free the Wild Has Offered to Help Lucy! https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/427/843/093 Almost 100K Signatures,
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Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Marty Irby - Executive Director of Animal Wellness Action & Named one of The Hill Top Lobbyist of 2021!
This will be the last live broadcast for 2021. Will be returning Thursday- Jan 6th @ 7:00 pm est .
A Big Thank You to all the Former Amazing Guests, Callers, The Audience, The PPJ Gazette, Animal Advocate Alliance, Marti Oakley, and the list goes on.. Takes Teamwork to see any Victories! Hope you all come back and join us in 2022..The animals are counting on us. Voices for the Animals!
~ Hope You All have a Very Merry Christmas & A Wonderful, Healthy, and Safe New Year 2022!~
Topic will be: FDA Modernization Act, H.R. 2565 : The FDA Modernization Act seeks to cut federal red tape by eliminating the statutory mandate for FDA animal testing. This bill allows an applicant for market approval for a new drug to use methods other than animal testing to establish the drug's safety and effectiveness
~Thank You All for Tuning In!~ https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Dave Pauli- Senior Advisor Wildlife Response & Policy at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Topic will be: Coexisting with wildlife. Every state as there are more restrictions everywhere on rehabbing wildlife
Dave is generalist with skill sets in large scale wildlife field capture, project implementation, disaster response, and other animal related programs. Technically trained economist, journalist- practical experiences are all in animal related specialities like Sheltering, Public education, Swift Water Rescue, Fire Response, Animal Search and Rescue, High/Low Angle, Large Animal Extraction, Chemical Immobilization and Immunocontraception. Dave have proudly served four years in the US Navy, and as Animal Incident Commander is large national disasters like the 97 Red River Floods and 2005 Hurricane Katrina.
Specialties: Planning and running remote field projects:
Animal Capture and Handling
Disaster Response
Hoarders and Hoarder Cases
Large Scale Cruelty
Equine Issues
Wildlife Consultation Wildlife immunocontraception
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Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Karen Hamza - Founder of ANGEL HANZ FOR THE HOMELESS, INC.
**Veterans Day** 11/11/21 Honoring ALL Who Served! Thank You Veterans! Not Just Today But Everyday!
TOPIC WILL BE: Angel Hanz for the Homeless helps the Homeless and their Pets.
Angel Hanz For The Homeless: Intervening to save the abused, neglected and shelter animals by offering education and physical resources to the unfortunate animal guardians, pet supplies, veterinary care, grooming and other animal services.
Angel Hanz works on the frontlines assisting the homeless with food, resources and care for their animals. Through monthly Gatherings, they bring essential supplies and services to those in need. They offer education and solutions to help people find housing and safety. Their core goal is to enable people to get back into the mainstream of life.
Angel Hanz for the Homeless holds a Gathering on the last Sunday of every month for the homeless and their pets. Food, pet supplies and other essential items are distributed.
~ Thank You All for Listening In! https://ppjg.me/?s=Voices+carry+for+animals
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be: Dianne Lynn Elko- Founder of We Love Pit Bulls Group on FaceBook, Dean Schaeffer & Rebecca Koughan -Head Admins,& Anna Marten- Moderator
Topics will be: Help Stop BSL Discrimination. We Want Justice for Nala and Ollie! May they both RIP!
We Love Pit Bulls Support Group wants to change the way the world sees Pit Bulls.They stand for Pit Bulls,They believe in adopt,don't shop,They want to see an end to dog fighting and BSL.
Breed-specific legislation is a type of dangerous dog law. It is defined as any ordinance or policy that pertains to a specific dog breed or several breeds, but does not affect any others. Proponents of breed-specific laws seek to limit public exposure to well-documented dangerous dog breeds by regulating the ownership of them.
BSL needs to disappear. BSL is discrimination, stero-typing, prejudice,and injustice. When a dog attacks, all animals should not be held accountable
Stop the BSL killing these innocent dogs.
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Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Tom Van Winkle -CEO and Executive Director at Hinsdale Humane Society
Topic will be: Share ideas and meet to discuss best practices to putting collaboration in action. Are more people willing to foster? volunteer? Sacrifice a luxury in their life to donate to a rescue group or shelter? People helping People helping Animals...
The Tuthill Family Pet Rescue & Resource Center operated by Hinsdale Humane Society is a nonprofit animal shelter providing innovative care and adoption services for all animals, including those that are harder to place. HHS educate, advocate and adopt out pets, acting as a voice for animals who depend on people for their care. HHS nurture the human-animal bond through community outreach and progressive programming, to help ensure the compassionate treatment of all animals.
HHS vision is to prevent animal suffering and neglect throughout our community and beyond, and to ensure that all animals in shelters and homes are well cared for and treated with compassion.
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Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: WatchdogMary aka Mary Schwager- Award winning investigative journalist writing about animals.
Topic will be:How the pandemic puppy phase is over, shelters are filling up, and euthanizing animals again-- and rescues need help.
Watchdog Mary is a 17-time Emmy award-winning journalist writing about animals and the environment. Watchdog Mary is using her talents to report about animals. She writes for The Dodo, Grit Daily, Dogster, Catster, Just Labs, EnviroNews, and Celebrity Page TV.
WatchdogMary has been getting a lot of complaints about the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services euthanizing dogs.The shelter killed 102 dogs in Sept. 2021. Many dogs were healthy and killed only because the shelter was full. Shelters in Texas kill more dogs than any other state. Shelters and rescue groups REALLY need fosters, adopters, and donations. The problem is not over.
If you want to help, contact your local shelter or a rescue group and ask how to get involved. If you want to see how many animals your local shelter or animal control is euthanizing, here's how: https://www.watchdogmary.com/pets-in-need
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Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Jodie Wiederkehr- Executive Director of Chicago Alliance for Animals
Topic will be: Chicago Alliance for Animals effective activism? (to guide others with their local campaigns)
The mission of the Partnership to Ban Horse Carriages Worldwide is to effectively organize and work with multiple organizations around the world to streamline our identical purpose of banning the dangerous, cruel and unnecessary practice of horse drawn carriages.
When a business endorses a horse carriage ban in Chicago, they support a ban everywhere.
Join the movement. Twitter: @BanHorseCariage Email: PartnershipToBanHorseCarriages@gmail.com Phone: 773-726-0589
Chicago's City Council overwhelmingly approved the measure to not renew licenses for horse-drawn carriages as of Jan. 1, 2021. The ordinance languished for more than two years before it came up for a vote around the time the pandemic began.
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Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Kate Brindle -Humane Society of the United States- Public Policy Specialist, Farm Animal Protection Campaign
Topic will be: EATS Act (S. 2619/H.R. 4999), which is a federal bill that puts hundreds of animal cruelty laws at risk. Why it’s so dangerous and ways we can oppose it.
A monumental threat is facing animals in our country! Legislation was just introduced in the U.S. Congress that could be disastrous for animals.The EATS Act (S. 2619/H.R. 4999), is designed to wipe out state laws that ban the cruel cage confinement of egg-laying chickens, mother pigs and baby veal calves. If passed, it could also destroy hundreds of other protections against terrible cruelties—like abuse of dogs in puppy mills, killing of animals for the wildlife trade and painful experiments inflicted on animals for cosmetic testing.
Please make a brief, polite phone call to your U.S. Senators and Representative now and urge them to oppose theEATS Act.
Confronting cruelty. Giving farm animals a voice.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Mary-Ann Holm - President & Campaign Coordinator at Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project
TOPIC: Update on Lucy the elephant at the Edmonton Valley Zoo - still waiting for sanctuary after 44 years (she's 46 years old, came there at 2 years of age)
Lucy the Elephant has been at the Edmonton Valley Zoo for 44 years and turns 46 this year. This is an ominous milestone as zoo elephants rarely survive to their mid forties. Lucy suffers from a number of zoo induced ailments which will shorten her life expectancy. She has no other elephant companions, which is considered cruel by elephant experts due to their highly complex social needs. The harsh Edmonton climate is detrimental to her health and painful for her ongoing arthritis and foot disease. Lucy lives in a tiny concrete cell and is only allowed outdoors for short controlled walks, weather permitting many days she never gets out at all.
With each passing year, Lucy’s condition deteriorates and this makes the prospect of moving her more difficult. We urge the City of Edmonton and the Valley Zoo to let Dr. Young be part of the decision process through a hands-on evaluation. Lucy could have many good years ahead of her at the Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary.
~ Thank You All for Listening In! ~