Voices Carry For Animals Podcast

**Live Interview Animal Advocacy Radio Podcast!* ** Welcome Aboard ”Voices Carry for Animals”- Produced & Hosted By Debbie Dahmer aka ”Mama Bear”.. LIVE Interview Shows every Thursday at 7:00 pm est.. Listen in Worldwide** **Voices Carry For Animals Website www.voicescarryforanimals.com SUBSCRIBE FREE!** Being a Voice for the voiceless, helpless, defenseless, and innocent. Strong teamwork leads to Strong Victories for our animal friends in need. This is a Advocacy Podcast which deals with all issues about all animals in need & distress. Your Actions are needed to bring *J*U*S*T*I*C*E* for the animals. **With Our VOICES the animals will be HEARD..With Our ACTIONS the animals will be FREE!~ ** Awareness, Education, Safety, Prevention, and Concern of Animal Welfare.

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Be A Voice For The Voiceless, Helpless, Defenseless, and Innocent.


Give the Animals hope to carry on with Better lives and futures. 


Our Voices and Actions really do matter. In Order to see CHANGE, We got to Take Action! 


Contact your State Representatives to support our animal friends in need. 


Thursday Sep 26, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be:  Christina Anderson-  {Oregon State Leader} of Paws Across America Advocacy
TOPIC: State level process of legislating animal welfare bills. How people can get involved!
Paws Across America Advocacy (PAAA) works to educate people on how to "vote smart" for animal welfare friendly candidates and provides tools to help locate your reps voting history. See: www.hslf.org Score Cards.  We must all make, constant, contact with our elected officials to communicate what animals need! 
With that being said, the voting public wants better laws for protection, and stiffer penalties for abusers of animal cruelty, neglect and "shelter reform."  PAAA keeps in contact with candidates by emails, letters and phone calls.
Contact PAAA:  oregonpaaa@gmail.com
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Sep 19, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Marty Irby- Executive Director of Animal Wellness Action
                                          SPEAKING OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE
TOPIC: Wild horses roundup plan AWA is trying to defeat, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, & UPDATE On Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act
Animal Wellness Action  is a 501(c) organization with a mission of helping animals by promoting legal standards forbidding cruelty. We champion causes that alleviate the suffering of companion animals, farm animals, and wildlife. We advocate for policies to stop dogfighting and cockfighting and other forms of malicious cruelty and to confront factory farming and other systemic forms of animal exploitation.
To prevent cruelty, we promote enacting good public policies and we work to enforce those policies. To enact good laws, we must elect good lawmakers.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7 https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Sep 12, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: WathchdogMary aka Mary Schwager- Award winning investigative journalist writing about animals.
                                        SPEAKING OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE
TOPIC: How spaying and neutering your pet could actually save the lives of other animals in shelters.
"WatchdogMary" is an investigative journalist with more than 20 years experience.
TV and print journalist now watchdogging for animals. Honored to have won 16 Emmy, eight Edward R. Murrow and Associated Press awards for investigative reporting & writing.
Watchdog Mary is using her talents to report about animals. She writes for the popular online magazines The Dodo, Grit Daily, and Just Labs
Some of her articles have resulted in changes being implemented in municipal shelters and animals’ lives being saved.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! ~ https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Aug 29, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Mary-Ann Holm- President & Campaign Coordinator at Lucy's Edmonton Advocates Project (L.E.A.P.)
                                       SPEAKING OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE
TOPIC: How you can help Lucy the Elephant to FREEDOM! https://www.facebook.com/notes/lucys-edmonton-advocates-project-leap/how-you-can-help-lucy/1488115364638539/
Lucy's Edmonton Advocacy Project  is a group of citizens and animal lovers who activly campaign to help Lucy, the 44 year old Asian elephant who has been incarcerated for 43 years at the Edmonton Valley Zoo in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Another impending Canadian winter facing Lucy where temperatures can become unbearable for humans let alone an elephant that's not equipped to withstand the sub arctic climate.
Thank you for your interest in Lucy and helping to be her voice!
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived below on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! 

Thursday Aug 22, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Ellie Laks- Founder of The Gentle Barn & Author of My Gentle Barn https://www.amazon.com/My-Gentle-Barn-incredible-children/dp/0099584883 
TOPIC: Inspire people to be an integral part of the solution. Stand up for the innocent, & help animals and children alike remember that they matter. 
Ellie Laks is the Founder of The Gentle Barn Foundation, a national non-profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates unwanted animals, and heals people with the same stories of abuse and neglect. She is a celebrated animal welfare advocate, humane educator, and the author of “My Gentle Barn: Creating a sanctuary where animals heal and children learn to hope”. 
Ellie founded The Gentle Barn in 1999 and has rescued thousands of animals and hosted hundreds of thousands of visitors of all ages from around the world. Animals are living lives of torment from beginning to end, their cries are unheard, their pain is unseen, and they are suffering.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived below on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! ~ https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals 

Thursday Aug 15, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Jeff Dorson- Executive Director at Humane Society of Louisiana
                                     SPEAKING OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE
TOPIC: Leaders in the fight against cruelty to animals, work to prevent animal abuse and neglect in all its forms
The Humane Society of Louisiana is a private animal protection charity founded in New Orleans in 1988. The Humane Society of Louisiana protects and defends animals from cruelty, neglect and mistreatment. Through cruelty investigation, crime prevention, education and animal care programs.
The Humane Society of Louisiana is a licensed 'pet detective' agency working to fight cruelty in the trenches and to prevent animal abuse wherever it occurs. We operate programs ranging from disaster relief and emergency response to lifesaving cross-country adoption transports carried out in partnership with small, rural shelters. We respond to cruelty and emergency complaints around the state, working daily with shelter directors, law enforcement officers, DAs and caring citizens statewide. W
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived below on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! ~ https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Aug 01, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Rosemary Alles- President and Co-Founder of Global March for Elephants & Rhinos
                                          SPEAKING OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE
TOPIC: How to get involved with the Global March for Elephants & Rhinos?
The mission of Global March for Elephants and Rhinos (GMFER) is to #MarchAgainstExtinction and demand that world leaders take action to STOP the poaching of elephants and rhinos and to END the trade in ivory and rhino horn.
GMFER demands the end to the trade in ivory and rhino horn and all other portions of their bodies. As long as there is a consumer market for these “products,” the scourge of poaching, killing at least 75 elephants every day, and over 1000 rhinos every year, for products that are unnecessary and without medicinal value, will continue. We also demand an end to continued trophy hunting of at-risk species, whether in the wild or in “canned hunts,” because this practice maintains and increases demand every bit as much as poaching does.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived below on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! ~.https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Jul 25, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Lisa Mondiel- Active Member of ADFC, and 15 years experience as an Advocate. Parent Education Program Director at Salice
                                         SPEAKING OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO VOICE
TOPIC: How animal abuse leads to child & elderly abuse, and domestic violence? How you can help the victims get Justice!
People who hurt animals don’t stop with animals. There is an established link between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans. Research backs up the finding that there is a direct link between acts of cruelty to animals and violence toward humans. This includes child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse and other violent behavior.
Abusers target the powerless, crimes against animals, spouses, children, and the elderly often go hand in hand. Children who abuse animals may be repeating a lesson learned at home
A handful of states require animal control officers and spousal/child abuse investigators to share information when animal abuse or domestic abuse is found in a home.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived below on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! ~ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Jul 18, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Rae Bitner- Director of Operations at Community Cats United
http://fixfinder.org/  Low cost Spay/Neuter Database
TOPIC: How to get more involved with helping our furry & four legged friends in need?
The mission of Community Cats United, Inc, is to engage members worldwide who dedicate themselves to the care taking of Community Cats and their efforts to promote Community Cat well-being. Our vision is to advance the status of community cats, uplift shelter medicine, encourage Trap-Neuter-Return, support our members in all areas of cat rescue and advocacy, and to reduce the number of community cats and ease the plight of unowned cats everywhere.
We respect and salute the men and women who act as caretakers, assist in the sterilization, and advocate on behalf of these unhomed, beautiful creatures.Community Cats United supports other animals advocacy.. It is our goal to work toward an end to animal cruelty in general.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7!  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Jul 11, 2019

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be: Barbara Lovett-President at https://savenoseynow.org/ , Sandra Clinger- Regulatory Affairs & Board Member, & Dee Gaug-Administrator &Board Member
TOPICS: Barbara will give updates on Nosey the Elelphant, Sandra will be 2nd guest about campaign for Asha the Elephant, and then 3rd Guest Dee will talk about  documentary, "BROKEN".
Nosey, Present Day and Future: Sanctuary! After working in the circus for three decades, Nosey was spotted in November, 2017, standing in her own waste, chained, beside the road in Lawrence County, Alabama. Some quick-witted  advocates contacted Administrators of Save Nosey Now to ask for guidance. Subsequently, Nosey was seized by an Animal Control Officer in that County. She was immediately transferred to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. Nosey has EARNED her retirement.
Asha the Elephant is forced to give rides in sweltering hear under threat of physical abuse from bullhook wielding handlers.
~ Thank You ALL for Listening! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

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