Voices Carry For Animals Podcast

**Live Interview Animal Advocacy Radio Podcast!* ** Welcome Aboard "Voices Carry for Animals"- Produced & Hosted By Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear".. LIVE Interview Shows every Thursday at 7:00 pm est.. Listen in Worldwide** **Voices Carry For Animals Website www.voicescarryforanimals.com SUBSCRIBE FREE!** Being a Voice for the voiceless, helpless, defenseless, and innocent. Strong teamwork leads to Strong Victories for our animal friends in need. This is a Advocacy Podcast which deals with all issues about all animals in need & distress. Your Actions are needed to bring *J*U*S*T*I*C*E* for the animals. **With Our VOICES the animals will be HEARD..With Our ACTIONS the animals will be FREE!~ ** Awareness, Education, Safety, Prevention, and Concern of Animal Welfare.

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Be A Voice For The Voiceless, Helpless, Defenseless, and Innocent.


Give the Animals hope to carry on with Better lives and futures. 


Our Voices and Actions really do matter. In Order to see CHANGE, We got to Take Action! 


Contact your State Representatives to support our animal friends in need. 


Thursday Jun 29, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guests will be: Gina Patolo, and Brenda Vettraino- Core Team Members for Laws For Paws
TOPICS: Three big animal cruelty cases in Michigan- Dr. Wayne Gilchrist, the veterinarian, Terry Louis Key II who brutally stabbed a sweet innocent dog to death and absconded on the date of his sentencing. Julius Holley IV who was sentenced on Monday, June 12th! The success of this year’s Utica Puppy Parade.
To promote the humane treatment and responsible care of animals, as well as to save and better the lives of animals by advocating for better animal protection and anti-cruelty laws with lawmakers and government bodies statewide. We must speak for those that cannot speak for themselves while we stand together to protect the animals!!
The only way we can protect the animals is by changing the laws. Animals are considered property so when someone kills or abuses them they get off easy. Also in Court cases, they have no rights because according to the Court system they have the same rights as a tree. Let's fight to get these laws changed now. 
If you see Animal Cruelty-REPORT IT! - Be a part of the solutions, not the ongoing problems. Help to get the animals out of harm's way
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Thursday Jun 22, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Rae Bitner aka "Mama Cat" - President- Animal Rights Advocate at Institute Street Feral Colony and Admin at Community Cats United. Inc
This is the 9th Anniversary for "Voices Carry For Animals" on Blog Talk Radio Podcast. Show #1 - #163 on Marti Oakley TS RadioNetwork and Shows # 164 - # 400 on Animal Advocates Radio.  Thank you too ALL the Former Amazing Guests, Callers, Listeners, and The PPJ Gazette for making this Radio Platform a TOTAL SUCCESS speaking out for our animal friends in need and distress. 
Topics: The Cost of HIGH INFLATION leads to problems for our pets and homeless pets. Battle the stigma of fake fundraisers all over social media
Shortage of Vets is impacting homeless cats and dogs. How the rising cost of spay and neuter is causing more and more furbabies to be born and dumped on the streets. The problems are increasing.
Our Mission: To bring knowledge of the most effective community cat management solution (TNVR) mains. Advocacy and networking in order to prevent more homeless cats,
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Thursday Jun 15, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Mary-Ann Holm -President & Campaign Coordinator at Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project  (LEAP)
Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project (LEAP) mandate is increasing the activity and involvement of Lucy's supporters who live in the greater Edmonton area and her supporters around the world!
​She has been at the Edmonton Valley Zoo for 46 years and turns 48 this year.This is an ominous milestone as zoo elephants rarely survive to their mid forties.Lucy suffers from a number of zoo induced ailments which will shorten her life expectancy. She has no other elephant companions, which is considered cruel by elephant experts due to their highly complex social needs.The harsh Edmonton climate is detrimental to her health and painful for her ongoing arthritis and foot disease. Lucy lives in a tiny concrete cell and is only allowed outdoors for short controlled walks, weather permitting which means many days she never gets out at all.
Thanks to our supporters donations, there is a new billboard up in Edmonton (163rd Street and Mayfield Road)
Please call the City of Edmonton at 311 and tell them to #RetireLucy
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Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer  aka "Mama Bear"
Guests will be: Renee Jones- Canine Trainer/behaviorist (for almost 35 years!) & Dianne Lynn Elko - Pit Bull Advocate and Admin for many Pit Bull Groups on Facebook
Topics will be: Help Stop BSL Discrimination! How you can get involved! 
Breed-specific legislation is a type of dangerous dog law. It is defined as any ordinance or policy that pertains to a specific dog breed or several breeds, but does not affect any others. Proponents of breed-specific laws seek to limit public exposure to well-documented dangerous dog breeds by regulating the ownership of them.
Take action against BSL and breed-discriminatory bans by contacting elected officials in cities and states where BSL is being challenged or reviewed. https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
You can also join forces with local animal advocacy organizations that are working to change laws in your area.
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Thursday Jun 01, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Grace Hamlin- Founder of The W-Underdogs
Topic will be:Talking with ETC ga and whistleblower Donna Hensley to expose the Corruption Coverup and a cruelty of puppy mill licensed breeder
The W-Underdogs is an innovative grassroots nonprofit that pairs underserved youth with animals in need. Our program helps youth at risk for gang involvement in the Peoplestown / South Atlanta neighborhoods gain leadership, responsibility, life skills, and compassion as they use teamwork to train and care for animals. They become empowered to make positive changes at school, home and in their community through advocacy and direct action.
The W-Underdogs goal every day will be to address the challenges that disadvantaged at-risk youth face and provide them with the skills and sense of accomplishment to help them overcome the challenges in their lives. We believe that the W-Underdogs program will energize the families, kids and in turn, contribute to a better community both short and long term. 
Atlanta youth program that supports positive exposure and instills compassion and ethics through rescuing local animals in need.
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Thursday May 25, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Cindy Marabito- Director at  Reunion Rescue and Author at Pit Bull Nation
Topics will be: Overcrowded shelters and what Reunion Rescue is doing about that. Discussion about Pit Bull Nation - Special Edition e-book free to all rescues and shelters....
The new Reunion Rescue newsletter effort to organize like minds to share our life-saving information with their own adopters, volunteers, communities and local animal shelters.
Reunion Rescue has been saving pit bulls for 20 years. We are the world’s only raw feeding holistic NO KILL pit bull refuge. We care for the world’s unwanted dogs by feeding, treating and training naturally. We love these dogs and want to show the rest of the world how wonderful they are.
Pit Bull Nation is a journey over the hills and valleys of rescue work and a tell all look from behind the scenes in the killing fields where most of these dogs are being slaughtered simply because they look like pit bulls. Pit Bull Nation Special Edition audiobook read by the author coming soon with big promo
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Thursday May 18, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Dr A Michelle Gonzalez, DVM, MS (Veterinary Forensics / Forensic Psychology) Host on Animal Welfare Junction
TOPIC: Dr Gonzalez and her new Podcast - Animal Welfare Junction 
The Animal Welfare Junction is a podcast developed to bring awareness to different topics in animal welfare. The host, Michelle Gonzalez (Dr. G) is a veterinarian who provides affordable veterinary care in the State of Ohio, and also a Forensic Veterinarian helping with the investigation and prosecution of cases of animal cruelty and neglect.
The topics presented are based on the experiences of Dr. G and our guests and include discussions about real cases, humane projects, and legal issues that affect animals and the community. Due to the nature of the discussion, listener discretion is advised as some topics may be too strong for some listeners.
Dr G is Board member of Ohio Animal Advocates, which is an animal advocacy group that works with legislation for animal welfare and education 
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Thursday May 11, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Judy Weiss -Business owner and Blogger at Executive Pet Concierge and Judy’s Dog Report
Topic: Explain what Puppy mills are and how to recognize and avoid them.
A puppy mill, also known as a puppy farm, is a commercial dog breeding facility characterized by quick breeding and poor conditions. Puppies from puppy mills are poorly bred which can lead to the puppy having health and temperament problems that can lead to the buyers surrounding them to rescue shelters.  
Due to the frequently poor breeding conditions in puppy mills, puppies bred there often suffer from health and/or social problems. Puppies raised in a cramped environment shared by many other dogs become poorly socialized to other dogs and to humans. Dogs are then transported over long distances in poor conditions, sometimes resulting in animal stress and death. 
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Thursday Apr 27, 2023

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Kris Kelly - Founder of The Kris Kelly Foundation, Animal Activist, VEGAN & Actress at SAG-AFTRA
Topics will be: Crisis going on in animal shelters. The backyard breeders and how the shelters are selling breeding license left and right to these people.
The Kris Kelly Foundation was founded by Kris Kelly in 2006  after many years of dreaming of her own Non-Profit to save animals from abuse, slaughter, and neglect. The organization is a 501c3 non-profit vegan animal rescue organization that rescues animal out of local shelters and finds them forever loving homes.
We at The Kris Kelly Foundation embrace “Humanity” and we give dignity and a voice to the animals that need someone to do it for them.
People have to understand that they have to live with the animals and animals NEED people. We all need each other. We are all one and together we can all help the ones in need heal.
“I rescue animals but really they rescued me.” – Kris Kelly
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Thursday Apr 20, 2023

Hosted by  Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guests will be: Linda Greaves & Heather Hellyer - Organizers of the Save Our Wild Horses 
Conference DC
https://www.facebook.com/events/1397379721005043?active_tab=about  SATURDAY AT 11 AM – 3 PM  Wild Horse Rally on the National Mall  Washington D.C 
Topic: Upcoming 2023 Save Our Wild Horses Conference DC and Rally - April 22-26th
The 2nd Save Our Wild Horses Conference and rally will focus on spreading awareness about the issues facing our wild horses & burros, wildlife and wild places. Our goal is to shine a light on these issues and to give those of you attending the tools to become powerful voices. 
Help End the Brutal Extermination of America's Wild Horses and Burros - https://www.thepetitionsite.com/963/622/666/help-end-the-brutal-extermination-of-america%E2%80%99s-wild-horses-and-burros/
~Thank you All for Tuning In!~

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