Voices Carry For Animals Podcast

**Live Interview Animal Advocacy Radio Podcast!* ** Welcome Aboard ”Voices Carry for Animals”- Produced & Hosted By Debbie Dahmer aka ”Mama Bear”.. LIVE Interview Shows every Thursday at 7:00 pm est.. Listen in Worldwide** **Voices Carry For Animals Website www.voicescarryforanimals.com SUBSCRIBE FREE!** Being a Voice for the voiceless, helpless, defenseless, and innocent. Strong teamwork leads to Strong Victories for our animal friends in need. This is a Advocacy Podcast which deals with all issues about all animals in need & distress. Your Actions are needed to bring *J*U*S*T*I*C*E* for the animals. **With Our VOICES the animals will be HEARD..With Our ACTIONS the animals will be FREE!~ ** Awareness, Education, Safety, Prevention, and Concern of Animal Welfare.

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Be A Voice For The Voiceless, Helpless, Defenseless, and Innocent.


Give the Animals hope to carry on with Better lives and futures. 


Our Voices and Actions really do matter. In Order to see CHANGE, We got to Take Action! 


Contact your State Representatives to support our animal friends in need. 


Thursday Jun 04, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Doll Stanley- Director of In Defense of Animals  "Justice for Animals" campaign.
Topic will be: The affect of COVID-19 on the animal population
Introduction and Background:
In Defense of Animals has a rich history in the northern region of Mississippi. IDA works with law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, judges, veterinarians, media, businesses, animal advocates, shelters, saddle clubs, dog hunters and their association, civic boards and leaders, legislators, and other interested community members has garnered a reputation of both respect and dread. In both cases IDA has earned respect for the standards we set, the consistency of our ethics and our tenacity for investigating and addressing cruelty, traditions steeped in abuse, and cultural ignorance. We have literally worked hundreds of cases, and rescued thousands of animals. IDA has made a mark on the region.
A Deep South where all animals are treated with dignity and respect.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday May 28, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be:  Christina Anderson-  {Oregon State Leader} of Paws Across America Advocacy & Jackie Starr-Perrigoue (Nationwide Administrator at PAAA)
TOPIC: State level process of legislating animal welfare bills. How people can get involved!
Paws Across America Advocacy (PAAA) works to educate people on how to "vote smart" for animal welfare friendly candidates and provides tools to help locate your reps voting history. See: www.hslf.org Score Cards.  We must all make, constant, contact with our elected officials to communicate what animals need! 
With that being said, the voting public wants better laws for protection, and stiffer penalties for abusers of animal cruelty, neglect and "shelter reform."  PAAA keeps in contact with candidates by emails, letters and phone calls.
To be effective, we must all make, constant, contact with our elected officials to communicate what animals need! c
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7!

Thursday May 21, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Nicole Rojas- District Leader for Humane Society of the United States, 11th Congressional District Ambassador For Tusk Task Force
TOPIC: Current Status on work being done- Wild For Change and also discuss Conserv Congo, a non-profit wildlife conservation based in the Democratic Republic of Congo 
Wild For Change is a platform promoting change for animal welfare and nature through education, legislation, and public awareness. 
Conserv Congo has been arresting wildlife traffickers and now officials in the country are starting to take notice of it’s importance against wildlife trafficking. Conserv Congo and associates are trying to halt wildlife trafficking right now, which has ramped up in the Congo because of this pandemic (active fundraiser to help with the costs of taking care of rescued wildlife)
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday May 14, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Harry Hmura- Chicago Blues Guitarist/Song Writer- Composer and producer of the new album ALL I NEED
TOPIC: Harry Hmura's new album called “All I Need”  his first rockin blues album. Executive director- Jeffrey Engelking and Harry chose to share proceeds of the record with Center For Great Apes!
8 for apes ( 8% of all cd sales and downloads are contributed to the Center For Great Apes for its life of sales...)
Guitars painted by chimpanzees and orangutans.
The Center for Great Apes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit sanctuary for orangutans and chimpanzees.
Mission is to provide a permanent sanctuary for orangutans and chimpanzees who have been rescued or retired from the entertainment industry, from research, or from the exotic pet trade.
The Center provides care with dignity in a safe, healthy, and enriching environment for great apes in need of lifetime care.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7!

Thursday May 07, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Chris Wilkinson-Founder and President Volunteer at Support and Help Pass Baby Cooper's Law
TOPIC: Baby Cooper's Law: a Federal Initiative to End Vehicular Heatstroke/Cold Car Death of Kids & Dogs
Baby Cooper's Law is an effort to achieve a Federal initiative to end the hot car deaths of children, dogs, the elderly, and other incapacitated persons .Named in honor of Baby Cooper Harris who died after being left in a hot vehicle where temperatures exceeded 140 degrees for more than 8 hours. 
When their parent leaves the children or animals in a vehicle, strapped in a seat, or animals left inside with windows rolled up and doors locked unable to get free they get scared and apprehensive..and when that vehicle is too hot or too cold.. it's no longer just scary.. it quickly becomes a dangerous death trap... The Hot Car Gladiators mission is to keep the car a fun, happy, and safe place for our children and animals.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All Live Podcast shows are recorded every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7!

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be: Sande Riesett - Founder & President of Show Your Soft Side and Caroline Griffin- Co-Founder
TOPIC: "Bringing Soft Side to Every Classroom"
The Show Your Soft Side campaign posters are both a catalyst and a tool for discussing the human treatment of animals, and are a daily reminder to encourage students to cultivate a respect for animals. The "Cool to be Kind" campaign and lesson plans are effective for promoting criticalthinking skills as well as developing an understanding and capacity for empathy. 
We’re working toward the day when we have role models in every field advocating for the compassionate treatment of animals and that the message is engrained in every school across the country.
If you’re a teacher or work with kids in any capacity, we will gladly send you Soft Side materials free-of-charge. Our Softies are the kind of role models that are desperately needed these days and we believe that by sharing their stories, we not only create a better world for animals, but also build better adults.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Apr 23, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Regina Riana Quinn- Manages Blue Angels Pitbull Advocacy & Rescue Resource
TOPIC: Covid-19 and the limited services for shelters!
Blue Angels is a strong advocacy group that speaks out, rescues and rehabilitates Pit bulls.
Blue Angles go out in our community, educate, advocate and get vetting for animals in emergency situations. They also do community outreach to citizens and deliver supplies dog food, cat food ,supplies to dogs and animals in need.
Also they educate the public to Pit Bull discrimination. Another hope is to to change laws to reverse Breed-Specific Legislation across the nation.
The advocacy group attends city council meetings & encourages laws to be enforced for animals.
Blue Angels also network, partner and work as a team with other non profits and rescue people in rescue efforts. They are the voice for the voiceless in anyway needed.
ANIMAL ADVOCATES ACTIVISM>ANTI ANIMAL CRUELTY >ANTI DOG FIGHTING>EDUCATION We are a force of change,bringing awareness to Hampton and beyond
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7! 

Thursday Apr 16, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be: Jennifer Kanady- Founder of K-9 Unchain USA & Kris Kelly- Founder of The Kris Kelly Foundation
TOPIC:  Going to be addressing the problem CA still has with K9 TETHERING and how State Animal Control thinks it isnt an issue and is hindering progress
CEO- Jill Tucker  of California Animal Welfare Association- who says that since their Directors don't report chained dogs as a problem, they won't support an effort UPDATE k9 laws to better protect OUTSIDE dogs in CA
Contact Jill Tucker @ EMAIL: jill@calanimals.org >> Request to her if they could please update their K9 Tethering Laws for the chained dogs in California
What are anti-tethering or anti-chaining laws? Anti-tethering and anti-chaining laws make tethering illegal. Tethering is when a dog is fixed to a single point on the owner's property either permanently or for long periods of time. Often, the dog is tethered to a tree or another heavy object in the owner's yard.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guests will be: Senator Raymond Lesniak- Founder & President of The Lesniak Institute for American Leadership & Sarah Mack-Director
TOPIC: Legislation Action Updates for Animal Welfare
The Lesniak Institute advocates for animal welfare, training the next generation of American Leaders to protect animals from cruelty and extinction.
Help us continue to advance animal welfare as The Lesniak Institute For American Leadership advocates for legislation to make New Jersey The Humane State and promote animal welfare across America and in every nation.
The Lesniak Institute is developing the next generation of American leaders by teaching the principles of effective advocacy, offering first-hand experience through its causes, and partnering with grassroots organizations.
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7!  https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

Thursday Apr 02, 2020

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Kate Macfall- Florida State Director at the Humane Society of the United States
***TOPICS of Discussion will be HELP STOP Puppy Mills & Update on Greyhound Track Racing/COVID-19 forces dog tracks in Florida to close for good. 1,500 dogs are in need of homes..
As the Florida State Director for the Humane Society of the United States- Kate MacFall works on a wealth of animal welfare issues, including statewide legislation and programs designed to protect companion animals and wildlife. She is also one of the founders of the Animal Shelter Foundation, a non-profit organization created by volunteers to support the animals in the care of Tallahassee Animal Services Center. 
The HSUS works in Florida to support animal welfare legislation, fight animal cruelty in all forms, and engage citizens to promote the protection of animals. Help advocate for laws to protect animals in Florida. 
~ Thank You All for Listening In!  All shows are recorded live & archived on Blog Talk Radio every Thurs at 7:00 pm est...Listen and Share 24/7 https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicescarryforanimals

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